Saturday, April 12, 2008

Cherry Blossom with Chums

We were lucky this year with a beautiful Sunday Cherry Blossom in downtown Washington DC, it was not too cold nor too windy. As usual, I and my chums from 6th grade up to college, we had blast time in every gathering. Kim Yen came from Main, Thanh Nha and her hubby from Houston for Linh's daughter's wedding on the night before. Five of us took metro because no way we can find a parking space in DC at this time. . Virginia is about five to ten minutes from DC and we're rarely taking the metro but driving our cars. I started to enjoy taking the rides recently more often =... . Trains were increased with more rides but seemed still not enough for all people came from in and out of states for this special week.

Prior that time we went to Eastern Market for breakfast,coffee; Thanh Nha brought with her from Houston an article about the place and asked me to take her there for shopping. Off we went and I recognized the warehouse that is temporarily used when the main building is renovating. We bought French breads, tasting the cheese, Italian veggies, snacks, danishes , coffee, we're munching when walking around to see flowers, shopping purses..I got some dried lavender flower and some votive candles those have such beautiful smells..
Kim Yen left early to meet her other friends and went back to Main; the night before Kim Yen and I talked until 3AM about everything including lobster "saga" from her place. It's not a fancy thing to have lobster everyday in Main, my friend used it on every occasion and I can illused the animals with their two big claws swing circle in front of me after we talked.

I love being with my friends, they are sweet and fun to be with every time we get together!I am looking forward for more gathering as we were in Paris, Germany, Amsterdam, Rome, Florence, Pisa, Houston, California....

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