Sunday, April 27, 2008

Summer is here!

Last look at the Spring before the beauty is gone..Virginia is for Lovers, the quote for a state with lovely sceneries, it has four seasons clearly with the mother's nature changings. Residing near metropolitan area Washington DC the nation has most the best of everything in the world that even makes you like it better if you have enough time and money to explore them...from the museums, theaters, opera concerts, diversity restaurants....

We are not ready to leave the cold, the foggy mornings of springtime left over yet or at least myself, my feelings of the lovely,happiness time still locked in me, I just can't let go that easily, I feel content and that's such a beautiful feeling.

Trees started their young leaves those have light, fresh greenish color, all come back to life after a long sleep in the winter; The trees, plants those you thought would be never be revised with all skinny, dried branches now they are blooming so cheerful and wonderful, is it that "time will heal everything" as life goes?
Azalea, Dogwood, Bleeding Hearts, all summer flowers blossom around the house that gave me a warming feeling every day when I looked at them.